Cappel Traveling Office Hours March

ROMEOVILLE – State Senator Meg Loughran Cappel will hold office hours at the Romeoville Branch of the White Oak Library District on Tuesday, March 12 to give residents an opportunity to receive assistance and ask questions.

“Community office hours ensure residents have an avenue to have their voices heard,” said Loughran Cappel (D-Shorewood). “My staff will be available to deliver helpful insight, discuss legislation and provide information about resources and programs available for residents. I encourage all of our community members to take advantage of this opportunity.” 

The event will be held on Tuesday, March 12 from 10 a.m. to noon at the White Oak Library District, located at 201 Normantown Rd. in Romeoville. Loughran Cappel’s office will provide coffee for attendees.

This free event is an initiative from Loughran Cappel’s office to assist residents with state resources, as well as increase accessibility and government accountability by holding office hours at different days, times and locations.

If anyone has questions or concerns, they are encouraged to contact Loughran Cappel’s office at 815-267-6119 or visit her website at