Cappel TravelingOfficeHours JAN

BOLINGBROOK – State Senator Meg Loughran Cappel will host traveling office hours at the Fountaindale Public Library District on Monday, Jan. 22 to give residents a chance to receive direct assistance and have their voice heard.

“Traveling office hours are a great way for the community to receive accessible assistance to state resources and bring their ideas to the table,” said Loughran Cappel (D-Shorewood). ”Some of my most vital legislation has come from concerns and ideas from residents.”

The event will be held on Monday, Jan. 22 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Fountaindale Public Library District, located at 300 W. Briarcliff Rd. in Bolingbrook.

The free event is an opportunity for residents to get help from Loughran Cappel’s office, such as assistance with state resources. Coffee will be provided for attendees

People can contact Loughran Cappel’s office with questions or concerns by calling 815-267-6119 or visiting her website at